Wednesday, August 10, 2011

We hope to see you all at our assembly tomorrow in the church!

We will be sharing all we have learnt so far abou the Creation Story!!
In Kindergarten we have been writing recounts.

We have been using words like FIRST, NEXT, THEN and FINALLY. We make sure we put all the events in order.

Here are a few to share with you.

We hope you enjoy reading them!

Yesterday I went to the park with Mum. First I went for a bike ride with mum to the petrol station. Next I went to the shops with mum and my sister. Then I went to my nanny and poppy’s house. Finally I went home to bed.

By Mia.

Yesterday I went to school with my mum. First my sister got the bag out of the car. Next I went to the classroom. Then we read a book. Finally we did our reading groups.

By Aidan.

Yesterday I went to the park with my dad.

By Ashton.

Last night I played Mario Cart. First I chose a level. Then my brother didn't win. Next I won. Finally I ate dinner and went to bed.

By Mikayla

Yesterday I went to dancing. First I warmed up. Then we did a dance. Next we practised some steps. Finally I went home.

By Monique

We are so clever!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Reading in Kindergarten!

Here are some photos of us in reading groups.

During reading groups we have been learning how to play some exciting literacy games, read online stories, play sight word games and show our teacher what clever readers we are!

Below are some photos of us dressed up as our favourite book character.

We dressed up as characters from our favourite story books and comic books.

It was alot of fun!

Who would you dress up as?

Monday, May 30, 2011


We have been very busy in Kindergarten this term!

We thought we would give you a sneak peek at what we have been up to.

Maths groups

We have been using the computers to help us learn.

We have been learning new Maths and English games and listening to some online stories.

Group work


Sharing news

Reading groups.

These children have been making elephants that can do tricks. Just like the elephants do in the story we are reading called "Elephant Tricks" by Amanda Graham

Angelina's elephant can dance.

Joel's elephant can sing.

Aaliyah's elephant can draw.

Kyla's elephant can flip.

Olivia's elephant can roll.

Kiana's elephant can do three flips.

Bella's elephant can balance on his ear.

Billy's elephant can eat.

Christian's elephant can dance on his tail.

Liam's elephant can walk on his tail.

Ryan's elephant can walk on his tail.

Hope you enjoyed checking out our work!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Grandparents day

Grandparents day in Kinder

Grandparents are very special to us.

We were so happy they could come and visit us in our classrooms

We blew them away with our amazing work.

We love our grandparents